David Wheeler wrote:
> On May 5, 2005, at 04:26 , Adrian Howard wrote:
>>>> Here's a weird idea: how about the option of AJAXing the test 
>>>> harness results back to a receiving server somewhere that 
>>>> understands TAP? Bingo: TAP testing of JS embedded in web pages  in
>>>> its native habitat.
>>> That's just evil. Maybe when Schwern or whoever had the idea gets 
>>> networked TAP going, I'll just send the data there. :-)
>> That's pretty much what I did when I hacked JSUnit to output TAP. 
>> Worked quite nicely.
> Do you have some sample code for your TAP server?

Apache-Test pretty much does all of this already, and automatically for
mod_perl and php on the server-side.  for additional $language (javascript,
parrot, python, cgi, soap, whatever) support all you need to do is make sure
that your pages spit out TAP and use the A-T interface to make the calls.
the A-T interface itself can be written in perl or php at the moment, though
it's trivial to add support for other languages, I just haven't had the time


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