>>>>> "DC" == Damian Conway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  DC>      grammar Shell::Commands {

  DC>          my $lastcmd;

  DC>          rule cmd { $/:=<mv> | $/:=<cp> }

  DC>          rule mv { $lastcmd:=(mv)  $<files>:=[ <ident> ]+  
$<dir>:=<ident> }
  DC>          rule cp { $lastcmd:=(cp)  $<files>:=[ <ident> ]+  
$<dir>:=<ident> }

  DC>          sub lastcmd { return $lastcmd }
  DC>      }

  DC>      while shift ~~ m/<Shell::Commands.cmd>/ {
  DC>          say "From: @{$<files>}";
  DC>          say "  To: $<dir>";
  DC>      }

since files and dirs are internal aliases (their names are in <>),
shouldn't those match accesses be $/<files> and $/<dir>?


Uri Guttman  ------  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -------- http://www.stemsystems.com
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