Juerd wrote:
No, again, please do not make the mistake of thinking VALUES have
identity. VARIABLES (containers) do. A reference points to a container,
never to a value directly.

I don't consider it a mistake. So, you dany identity to "fat" values like database connections or GUI objects?

This is something that doesn't change from Perl 5 to Perl 6.


Try in perl (5) the following code:

    my ($x, $y);
    my ($xx, $yy) = \($x, $y);

Actually I still wonder how equal or different assignment with = of a ref produced by \ is from binding with :=. The second line above e.g. should produce a ref to a list value (undef, undef), right? Then this value shall be used to initializes the content of whatever the names $xx and $yy refer to. So, why don't the references not just vanish and we get to independent undef values stored in $xx and $yy? I.e. do you expect $x = 5 have an effect on the value of $xx?

There are names, containers and values.

I agree.

Declaration and := bind names to containers.

I disagree. Names are a compile time concept and access to the namepace level is restricted after compilation. Some languages like C++ and Java actually compile the namespace almost completely away. So Declaration is mostly a way to talk to the compiler while := is a runtime operator.

Assignment copies values.

I agree.

Containers aren't copied.

I agree. Their content is retrieved and copied to a new container.

A reference points to a container.

Well, can we agree that a reference is a means to retrieve a value?

A name points to a container.

Yes, but see above for compile time.

A reference is a value.

I agree.

The reference isn't to $y's container's value, but to the container.
Regardless of its value. It is also not to the name $y.

I don't see much use in pointing to a container because the interest is in the value unless to want to go in an explicit pointer arithmetic scheme like C++. Does \$v + 1 mean something different than $v + 1? To me it does at most create a level of indirection that is traced to the value when the args for + are prepared.

How about the following idea to distinguish between read and write
refs? I would actually call the former View!

$x = 3;
$y = 5;

$rr  = \$y; # read ref (or view)
$wr :=  $x; # write ref

say $rr; # prints 5
$rr = 7;
say $y;  # prints 5 because $rr doesn't trace the view but discards it
         # as any other non-referential value

say $wr; # prints 3
$wr = 9;
say $x;  # prints 9 because $wr traces down to lowest container/ref and
         # redirects it (my view) or exchanges the value (juerd's view)

TSa (Thomas Sandlaß)

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