On Fri, May 13, 2005 at 03:00:39PM +1000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> >Covering the XS portion of the code with gcov is possible, and Devel::Cover
> >will create all kinds of nice webpages and statistics for you too.  
> >Paul Johnson may have this written up somewhere, but, if not, I should 
> >really write something up about this since I've used it to determine Perl's
> >test coverage.

I don't think I have written anything except the docs for gcov2perl,
which are minimal and incomplete.  I'd be happy to take doc patches for
gcov2perl if you think that's the right place to document this.

> Generating coverage tests for XS code - why are my hands shaking ?

It's not really that difficult.  You just need to get the right options
to gcc, either by compiling your perl with those options which means
they will automatically be passed to your XS code, or by making sure
your XS code is compiled with those options.  Then, on running your
tests, you will get one or more gcov files which you can run through
gcov2perl to add the gcov data to your perl coverage database.  Then,
running one of Devel::Cover's reports will report on your XS code along
with your Perl code.

OK.  In principle it's not really that difficult.

Paul Johnson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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