Jerry Gay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> with parrot revision 8086, i'm running the following:

> .sub main @MAIN
>     load_bytecode 'PGE.pbc'
>     .local pmc p6rule, rulesub, match
>     p6rule= find_global 'PGE', 'p6rule'
>     rulesub= p6rule( '( \\ \. )+ \\' )
> .end

> which, under parrot -t, gives thousands of lines of output.
> eventually, i get the following...

> error:imcc:op not found 'index' (index<1>)


   print $S0

before the C<compile> in P6Rule.pir:876 reveals the culprit:

    $I0 = index "\", $S0

i.e. an unescapted backslash inside double quotes. OTOH there is also:

    lit = '\\'

which should have double quotes to mean a single slash.

> ~jerry


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