Stuart Cook wrote:
To summarise what I think everyone is saying, []-reducing an empty
list yields either:

1) undef (which may or may not contain an exception), or
2) some unit/identity value that is a trait of the operator,

depending on whether or not people think (2) is actually a good idea.

The usual none(@Larry) disclaimer applies, of course...

Well the only case where it probably really matters is [+] where you really want the result to be 0. Of course +undef == 0, so maybe returning undef might be okay. I'm thinking about the case:

[+] grep &some_condition, @a

where you really want the total to be 0, even if the result of the grep is empty.

A case can also be made for (assuming @a = ();) that

[EMAIL PROTECTED] eq '' (also covered by ~undef)
[?&[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~~ true
[?|[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~~ false (also covered by ?undef)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~~ false (also covered by ?undef)
[+&[EMAIL PROTECTED] == MAXINT (whatever that is)
[+|[EMAIL PROTECTED] == 0 (also covered by +undef)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] == 0 (also covered by +undef)

chained ops are wierd

[<[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~~ false
[>[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~~ false

Other ops have theoritical values that I don't know if we can handle:

[~&[EMAIL PROTECTED] should be an infinitely long bitstring of 1's
[~|[EMAIL PROTECTED] should be an infinitely long bitstring of 0's

Again, given that that the really important case [+] is covered by +undef == 0, maybe just always returning undef is good enough.


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