(This post references the discussion at
http://www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=458728, particularly dragonchild's
response at the bottom.)

For those who don't know, cribbage is a game where each player has
access to 4 cards, plus a community card. Various card combinations
score points. The one in question is when cards add up to 15. If you
have a group of cards that add up to 15, you receive 2 points. This is
for every group, so if you have a ten and 2 fives, you get 4 points.
Two tens and two fives is 8 points. Face cards are worth 10 and aces
are 1, for these purposes.

I proposed the following:

# Fifteens
$score += 2 * all( 15 == [EMAIL PROTECTED] any( 0 .. 4 ) } );

* Is this syntax legal?
* Does it do what I want it to do?
* Is there another way?


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