On Wed, May 25, 2005 at 09:29:56PM +0200, BÁRTHÁZI András wrote:
> It helps for that error, but not for the other one. Still get this:

I think rgs have fixed that one as well.  Try again?

You can use this as the test script -- it works for me:

    use DBI--perl5;

    unlink 'test.db';

    my $dbh = DBI.connect('dbi:SQLite:dbname=test.db');
    $dbh.do("CREATE TABLE Test (Project, Pumpking)");

    my $sth = $dbh.prepare("INSERT INTO Test VALUES (?, ?)");
    $sth.execute(<Pugs Autrijus>);
    $sth.execute(<Ponie Nicholas>);
    $sth.execute(<Parrot Leo>);

    my $res = $dbh.selectall_hashref('SELECT * FROM Test', 'Pumpking');

    # Just another Pugs hacker
    say "Just another $res<Autrijus><Project> hacker";


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