When I do

export PUGS_EMBED=perl5,parrot
export PARROT_PATH=[some path]
perl Makefile.PL

then I receive following error:

Could not find module `System.Eval':
  use -v to see a list of the files searched for
  (imported from /root/tmp/pugs-tmp-3748.hs)
*** Inline Haskell support disabled.  If you want dynamic loading 
    of haskell modules, please install the hs-plugins library,
    dated 2005-05-21 or later -- remember to "make register" too!

I do not get this error when building without parrot.
GHC version 6.4. Does that error message indicates that my ghc
installation is twisted?

Additionally, excerpt from error message 'dated 2005-05-21 or later' is
probably wrong, because latest archive on that FTP is dated 20050501.

Could you please advice?



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