Edward Cherlin wrote:
That means that we have to straighten out the functions that can return either a Boolean or an item of the argument type. Comparison functions < > <= >= = != should return only Booleans,

I'm not sure but Perl6 could do better or at least trickier ;)
Let's assume that < > <= >= when chained return an accumulated
boolean and the least or greatest value where the condition was
true. E.g.

  0 < 2 < 3   returns  0 but true

  1 < 2 < 1   returns  1 but false

  4 < 5 < 2   returns  2 but false

Then the reduce versions [<] and [<=] naturally come out as min
and strict min respectively.

Is it correct that [min] won't parse unless min is declared
as an infix op, which looks a bit strange?

if 3 min 4 { ... }

TSa (Thomas Sandlaß)

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