On Mon, Jun 13, 2005 at 09:21:00AM -0700, Brent 'Dax' Royal-Gordon wrote:
> On 6/13/05, Chip Salzenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Oh no ... it's even worse than you think.  Almost *any* opcode that
> > operates on a PMC can trigger a continuation.  And I only need two
> > words to prove it:
> > 
> > "Tied variables."
> Isn't this *exactly* why Perl 6 is requiring you to mark tied
> variables when they're declared?

Well, that doesn't help you in and of itself, unless every reference
that could point to a tied variable was also marked.  And I don't see
it happening.

That said, I was just informed on IRC that it's already established
that once you descend into a PMC vtable entry or anything else in
Parrot that's written in C (or could be), you're not allowed to jump
sideways with a full continuation, but only upward in the style of
an escape continuation (e.g. throwing an exception).

So consider me unpanicked.  About PMCs vs. register allocation,
anyway.  I'm still a bit on edge about this "Perl 6" thingy.
Chip Salzenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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