Patrick R. Michaud wrote:

...  I.e., I'd like to be able to do something along
the lines of:

    .sub main @MAIN
       $P99 = newclass "Foo"
$S0 = ".sub h @ANON\n print \"Hello\"\n.end\n"
       $P0 = compreg "PIR"
       $P1 = compile $P0, $S0
       store_global "Foo", "hello", $P1

       $I2 = findclass "Foo"
       $P2 = new $I2

That works fine if you s/findclass/find_type/

C<findclass> is one of the ugly/evil/wrong opcode warts that will be removed soon. It duplicates the functionality of C<find_type> with restricted usage (returns a *boolean*) and inconsistent syntax.


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