Luke Palmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On 6/16/05, Piers Cawley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> So, I was about to write the following test for Pugs:
>>   sub factorial (Int $n) {
>>     my sub factn (Int $acc, $i) {
>>       return $acc if $i > $n;
>>       factn( $acc * $i, $i+1);
>>     }
>>     factn(1, 1);
>>   }
>> When I thought to check the apocalypses and exegeses and, what do you know, I
>> couldn't find any evidence that nested named functions like this were legal.
>> So, are they legal?
> Yep.  And they work just as if you had used an anonymous sub there--it
> closes over lexicals and everything.

I should bloody well hope so too.

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