On 6/17/05 6:18 PM, Damian Conway wrote:
> John Siracusa wrote:
>> (BTW, I'm not sure where those "./" thingies came from, but it's what GMail
>> showed in your message.  I'm assuming it should just be ".")
> No. There's now also a unary ./ operator in Perl 6.
> Unary . calls a specified method on the current topic.
> Unary ./ calls a specified method on the current invocant.
> The point being that methods no longer topicalize their invocant. So you need
> to use ./ instead of . to call methods on an implicit invocant.

Wow, that..er...how did I miss that?  It looks a lot like running an
executable in the current dir instead of letting the shell search its path.
Was that intentional?  Was this syntax discussed on a mailing list or
elsewhere?  I really liked plain old .foo(), but I guess I'll just use
explicit invocants and look like an old fuddy duddy... :)

(also, at least it's not "/." <shudder> ;)

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