You have 3 situations

1 the refs came from \&somefunc
2 the refs come from evaling strings of code
3 the refs are closures and therefore have some data associated with them

For 3, it looks like B::Deparse does't handle the data at all so even
if the deparsed subs are identical they may behave totally

For 1 a simple comparison does the trick.

For 2 B::Deparse works and might be the only way but then again, it
might be better to just get access to the original string of code
before it gets compiled,


On 6/26/05, David Landgren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Tels wrote :
> >
> > Moin,
> >
> > On Sunday 26 June 2005 07:18, Collin Winter wrote:
> [...]
> >>After tinkering with B::Deparse for a bit, I think this particular
> >>"oddity" may just be a result of poorly-written docs (or, more
> >>probably, poorly-read on my part). The module seems to do the right
> >>thing in all cases I could come up with (i.e., it only optimises out
> >>truly-useless constants), so it should be safe to use for this
> >>particular purpose. With this matter sorted, I've started on the code
> >>and requisite tests to make the new stuff work.
> >
> >
> > Just for clarification: this means that:
> >
> >       is_deeply( sub { 1 + 2; }, sub { 3; } );
> >
> > should/will pass because the subs compile to the same code?
>      is_deeply( sub {cos(0) + sqrt(4)}, sub {3} );
> does as well, fwiw. So do looping constructs that map to the same thing:
>      is_deeply(
>          sub { my $x=0; $x += $_ for 1..10;        $x },
>          sub { my $x=0; for( 1..10 ) { $x += $_ }; $x },
>      );
> Michael Schwern wrote at the beginning of this thread:
>  > What it *shouldn't* do is what does, namely execute the
>  > code ref and compare the values returned.  It would just compare
>  > the refernces.
> Why should it not do that? Is this because of subs with side effects?
> Isn't that more an issue of "Doctor, it hurts when I hit my knee with a
> hammer"?
> David

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