On Thu, Jun 30, 2005 at 08:03:32AM +0200, demerphq wrote:
> Yitzchak pointed me to this thread. I thought I'd add that
> Data::Dump::Streamer v1.14 has the capability to Dump closures
> properly, that is including bound lexical state.

Interesting.  is_deeply() can try to use Data::Dumper::Streamer and fall
back to B::Deparse.  Out of curiousity, if Data::Dumper::Streamer can handle
closures why not fix B::Deparse?

> And actually on my first sneaky test of is_deeply it got it wrong.  I
> actually raised this exact example about is_deeply some years ago.
> sigh. At least the latest version of Test::More doesnt go into
> catatonic shock with this test like the one that ships with 5.8.6
> does.

Should it not pass?  Each is an array reference with circular $ref->[0] ->
$ref->[1] -> $ref->[0] scalar references.  There's obviously some sort of
internal difference but is there a detectable difference at the Perl level?

Michael G Schwern     [EMAIL PROTECTED]     http://www.pobox.com/~schwern
Ahh email, my old friend.  Do you know that revenge is a dish that is best 
served cold?  And it is very cold on the Internet!

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