Right now ponie is still reference counting. In effect it's duplicating the
work of parrot's DOD registration scheme. For space and efficiency reasons it
would be very useful to move the ponie reference counts outside the actual
PMCs, and effectively store them in a hash, much like the DOD reference
counting system.

However, I think it's wrong to use the DOD reference counting system for a
couple of reasons

1: The Perl refcounting API lets you get (and set) the actual refcount value.
   Whilst I'm quite happy to refuse to support general purpose setting it, I
   suspect that getting it is still needed. Certainly it's needed in the
   interim for code migration
2: Code should care about the reference count. (Although I believe that some
   does). I'd not like to (ask to) extend parrot's DOD registration API to
   get the reference count out, because that opens it up to (ab)use by parrot
   extensions. The DOD reference count is "none of your business"
3: I think I might need the ability to iterate over all the allocated Ponie

So I think what I'd like is a PMC that provides the same functionality as
dod_register_pmc in pmc.c [see  http://svn.perl.org/parrot/trunk/src/pmc.c ]
wrapped into a regular PMC. Basically it provides a hash keyed on addresses,
value is a reference count, where the key/value pair is automatically deleted
if the reference count drops to 0. Only it is (in effect) a singleton.

I'd like to be able to provide this as a non-singleton PMC class, with the
addition of a value lookup, and (possibly) iteration. But cut and paste is
evil. So does anyone have suggestions on the best way to be able to
refactor the code in pmc.c such that it can provide a (private) API for a
core PMC to wrap, without slowing down the DOD's use of the same code.

Does this seem sane? Can anyone see a good way of doing this?

Nicholas Clark

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