I've been slowing banging away at an x86_64 code generator.  I'm just trying to
get the basics down for now, generating NOP's; but even that's nontrivial. 
While compiling my code additions into Parrot, I've been running into this and
that.  This function is redefined a million times, while that one isn't defined
at all.  While redefined functions are likely from some stupidity I missed, it
looks like I am outright missing important functions just to get the basic code
generation working.

I'm hoping somebody that wrote a jit_emit.h implementation for one of the
architectures could help me deduce some of my errors so that I can get rolling.
 My intended focus was in generating all the opcodes and filling in as many of
the JIT routines as possible.  So far, it's been a chore just getting a
framework in place.  I don't want to burden the mailing list with the little

I'll respond better to direct emails at adam.preble (at) gmail.com -- I've been
getting swamped with spam on this account recently.  If somebody is more
willing to hang around IRC instead, then I will catch them there instead.

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