Jonathan Worthington wrote:

"Nick Glencross" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I've been giving some thought to what needs doing to get dynclasses
working on Windows. I'm not particularly intimate with Windows, but use
cygwin quite a bit.

I've also been looking at this, but for native Win32 rather than cygwin. I think they will be two slightly different cases, though I'm not that familiar with cygwin. So between us, we may be able to make it work on both. :-)

One area that I'm still not 100% clear about is the visibility of
symbols within DLLs and executables, so please be kind!
[My understanding is that] DLLs cannot have unresolved symbols, or at
least they must be linked against another DLL which can provide them.

As far as I can tell, the way it works on platforms that it does work on is that the "DLLs" call into functions in the parrot executable. So you kinda need to link against the parrot executable, or make sure your DLL refers to functions in the Parrot executable.

I didn't know that DLLs could be linked against an executable... that almost sounds too simple! I'll see if cygwin allows that when I get time towards the end of the week,



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