
Is there any documentation about the complete syntax for pmc files when writing PMCs (this time in C)? I found genclass.pl and pmc2c.pl, but I couldn't find anything about all keywords that can be used. In particular, I wrote down some scenarios. Maybe there are some more cases than these.

Case 1:

pmclass Foo {

[ vtable methods here]


This one is simple. It just creates a new PMC class, as a superclass. If I understand correctly, when writing such a class, you would start with genclass.pl. Or, would extending "default" be ok as well?

Case 2:

pmclass Foo extends Bar {

[vtable methods here]


A PMC class extending from Bar. Extra vtable methods for Bar's extra functionality (WRT Foo), or vtable methods with different behaviour than Bar, must be written.

Case 3:

pmclass Foo does Bar {

[vtable methods here]


I don't really understand what this does. I understand the "does" keyword says something about an interface ("Bar") that is implemented by this class ("Foo"). Why would you do this? Why does one need this? I saw in pmc2cl.pl that there are a number of interfaces defined already. Is there anything written about these interfaces?



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