
as my attempt to write a lua compiler is continuing (slowly but surely), and quite some stuff is working already (although rather s l o w), I decided it was time to write the PMCs representing the various Lua datatypes. I understood from my previous postings (and replies on those) that PMCs can be either implemented in PIR (although they are really created as objects, right?), or in C as .pmc files. I get the feeling writing them in C as .pmc files is the way to go, so I started with the first pmc for the lua language: LuaNil.pmc. Whenever a variable hasn't been assigned a value, its 'value' is "nil". (pretty much the same as None, I think).

According to the README file in the 'dynclasses' directory, adding dynamic PMCs can be done by:

1. write the PMC
2. edit parrot/config/gen/makefiles/dynclasses.in
3. make

In my case this didn't work. Editing the dynclasses.in file didn't trigger the make system to make my PMC. After getting a fresh parrot, before making it, I added my pmc file, edited the dynclasses.in file, and started making parrot. This works (of course), but it's a bit cumbersome to do this everytime I'm adding a PMC. Anybody got an idea what may go wrong?



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