HaloO Autrijus,

you wrote:
 D) Make the return type observe both #2 and #3 at compile time,
    using type variables:

       sub id ( (::T) $x ) returns ::T { return($x) }

And this is a natural extension to guide the inferencer so it won't be
totally giving up on polymorphic functions such as &id.  C) and D) can
be taken together, resulting to a powerful soft typed language.

This is my preference. The only known issue with parametric typing is
the proliferation of params as soon as you want to stay away from

However, if we take the view that type annotation are merely storage
allocation hints and runtime coercers, then A) is probably the way to go.

Please no. Or at least not exclusively. I see your "storage allocation
hints" as a data environment needed to implement the type.
$TSa.greeting := "HaloO"; # mind the echo!

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