On Jul 27, 2005, at 9:46 PM, Thilo Planz wrote:


I have a few beginner's question about ParTcl.

I am trying to embed ParTcl into a PIR application, which seems to work quite nicely, except that I have not yet figured out how to do certain things.

This is almost certainly no fault of your own. =-)


1) Is there a way to reset the Tcl interpreter between invocations?

.sub _main @MAIN
    load_bytecode "languages/tcl/lib/tcllib.pbc"

    $P1 = compreg 'TCL'
      $P0 = compile $P1, 'set a 1; puts $a'

      # now reset the TCL interpreter somehow

      $P0 = compile $P1, 'incr a; puts $a'

Well, the interpreter is running inside parrot - all the sub and variable definitions are stored in parrot namespaces... so for your particular example, removing the global variable '$a' from the namespace "Tcl" should be sufficient. The interpreter should have its own state which you can reset, but a lot of that is hidden in globals in the "_Tcl" namespace.

I think when we add support for [interp] and [safe], you'll be able to do manage this process more cleanly.


2) I can access TCL variables from PIR using

    find_global "_Tcl", "__read"

Is there any way to access Parrot globals from TCL ( other than doing inline PIR to assign them to a TCL variable) ?

At this point, no. We need the [namespace] command to be able to poke around outside the "Tcl" namespace. At which point you'll be able to do something like:

set a ::_parrot::Perl6::\$b

Interoperability between HLLs isn't finalized yet, though, so I'm not sure if we'll each end up in our own top level namespace.


3) Is there a way to pass parameters to the subroutine produced by the TCL compiler ?

.sub _main @MAIN
    load_bytecode "languages/tcl/lib/tcllib.pbc"

    $P1 = compreg 'TCL'
      $P0 = compile $P1, 'puts $first_parameter'

      # now reset the TCL interpreter somehow

Nope. I would expect this to work:

.sub main @MAIN

  load_bytecode "languages/tcl/lib/tcllib.pbc"

  $P0 = compreg "TCL"
  $P1 = compile $P0, "proc _tmp {a} {puts $a}"

  $P2 = find_global "Tcl", "&_tmp"

  $P3 = new String
  $P3 = "hello"

That is, define a sub in Tcl that does what you want, then invoke that sub. This fails on the last line, however, with "_scratch_pad: too deep". Adding this as a TODO item in the partcl test suite...


4) Is there a way to pass parameters from TCL to inline PIR code ?
My current work-around is to put them into variables and access those using "__Tcl"::"__read".

At the moment, no. However, since [inline] is a partcl creation (not part of pure tcl), we can define whatever semantics we like: We could pre-process the string and expand variable/backslash/command substitution...

But, as I noted above: every variable and proc in the script is really a parrot variable at some level: so you can use find_global, find_lex, find_name, etc. Variables have a $ sigil, procedures have a & sigil. Variables in tcl's level 0 are parrot globals, everything used in a proc is a lexical. {{ check out t/tcl_pir_compiler.t test # 2 for an example going in the other direction. }}

The sigils are to avoid problems with code like: "set a 2; a", which until a week or so ago, failed because it was trying to execute a String PMC with a value of 2, instead of correctly complaining about an invalid command.




Thank you! Sorry the answer to most of your questions was "no"... If there's anything I can do to help improve partcl for your use, let me know. Since I was able to get a concrete TODO test out of #3, that'll probably get fixed first.


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