
Dynclasses now work on Win32 when building Parrot with the MS Visual Studio compiler. That means that all t\dynclass\*.t passes. :-)

I've also (after ci'ing a fix to config/gen/makefiles/tcl.in) managed to build Partcl on Win32 and run the tests. Here's what I'm seeing.

Failed Test           Status Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed

t\cmd_expr.t                          43    3   6.98%  41-43
t\cmd_linsert.t                        5    1  20.00%  2
t\cmd_proc.t                           4    1  25.00%  4
t\cmd_source.t                         2    1  50.00%  1
t\cmd_string.t                        37    4  10.81%  16, 33-35
t\cmd_time.t                           1    1 100.00%  1
t\tcl_backslash.t                     16    2  12.50%  12, 14
t\tcl_command_subst.t                 10    1  10.00%  10
t\tcl_misc.t                          12    1   8.33%  12
t\tcl_pir_compiler.t                   3    1  33.33%  3
Failed 10/39 test scripts, 74.36% okay. 16/266 subtests failed, 93.98% okay.

Any problems, let me know.

Take care,


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