On Sat, 2005-07-30 at 11:50 +0100, Adrian Howard wrote:

> I took chromatic to mean that he'd like the test harness to do the  
> decorating...

Yep -- that way you don't have to munge whatever formatting
Test::Harness::Straps does, you just decorate on a method that does the
formatting for you.

> (BTW chromatic: I'm curious why you didn't break todo tests into  
> separate passing/failing classes as you did the "normal" test?)

TAP doesn't, so I didn't see any reason to do it.  Now that you mention
it, reporting unexpected successes might be worthwhile -- but then
again, Test::Harness::Straps reports that as a bonus in the summary

I can't think of anything useful to do with it, but if there is
something, I'm happy to make that separation.

-- c

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