> I am glad to announce Pugs 6.2.9, released during Ingy's OSCON talk:

>     http://pugscode.org/dist/Perl6-Pugs-6.2.9.tar.gz
>     SIZE = 1439642
>     SHA1 = efd32419dcddba596044a42564936888a28b3c69

> Following last month's plan, this release features a Perl6/PIL to javascript
> code generator, written in Perl 5, currently passing 64% of the test suite.

> We also see the beginning of a code generator from PIL to perl5, and a
> self-representing Perl 6 object model prototype.  The new PIL design and
> runcore is also progressing nicely, which should give a more robust
> specification to Perl 6's compile time and runtime semantics.

> A live CD is available as usual, courtesy of Ingo Blechschmidt:

>     http://linide.sf.net/pugs-livecd-6.2.9.iso

> Ingy's slides are under the Pugs tree as
> docs/talks/oscon-apocalypse.spork and
> online at http://www.kwiki.org/apocalypse/start.html in HTML.

> All in all, it's a lot of fun.  Check out the two movies we made for the
> OSCON talk as well:

>     http://no.perlcabal.org/~autrijus/oscon05-autrijus.mp4
>     http://no.perlcabal.org/~autrijus/oscon05-stevan.mp4

> Change the ".mp4" to ".swf" or ".wmv" for alternate video formats.
Very simple question:

why do we have to give up a space when calling functions under Pugs?

A need to type open('file.txt') instead of open ('file.txt') makes
me perplexing (not perl-flexing ;-) Our recent discussions in 'zip with()'
gave no answer.


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