Leopold Toetsch wrote:
> Citing 33.html:
> "Parrot's current implementation relies on the ability to "morph" an
> object to another type.  Leo has attempted to challenge this a number of
> times, but to my knowledge never successfully."
> I'm a bit bewildered that pirate folks seem not to bother following
> parrot dev list [1] or even summaries. For short:
>   n_add d, l, r
> will create a new destination PMC and with the help of .HLL a new Python
> PMC. See also t/dynclass/pycomplex_3 and _4.
> (This is just one point of several from the slides of what I'm inclined
> to name FUD)
> leo
> E.g. [1] http://xrl.us/gz5b

At the end of the presentation, a person in the front row asked me if I
planned to continue to contribute to the project.  My response was
something along the lines of, "I appreciate having been given the
opportunity to contribute, I hope I fixed more things than I broke, but
I probably won't contribute in any major way again unless I see signs of
things turning around."

>From the back row, Chip introduced himself.  At which point, I ammended
my previous statement saying that Chip was in a position to make a
difference.  My experiences with Parrot was that everything I did was
met with either direct animosity or by being ignored.  If that changed,
I could see myself becoming active again.

In the past few weeks, I have received two pieces of feedback from the
Parrot community.  One was attacking me for having adopted the
suggestion by Leo that the object of the method should be passed on the
first argument of method call.  The second was to attack me for saying
something nice about morphing.

I said in slide 3 that this presentation was based mostly on memory.  In
slide 4, I said that Parrot is evolving.  I said in slide 31 that my
memory was based on the work I did in December of 2004.  I said in slide
33 that Leo was working to change how morphing was being used in Parrot,
but my real point was made in slide 36: morphing was cheap and efficient
in practice.

My research prior to the presentation was to check to see if morphing
was still in the VTable, and it is.

For now, I'll probably limit the amount of time I devote to Parrot as
there are plenty of other places where I feel more welcome.

- Sam Ruby

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