
On Aug 8, 2005, at 4:26 PM, Mark Reed wrote:
Coming in late here, but it seems odd to have an actual class called
"MetaClass". The meta-object protocols with which I am familiar have the concept of a metaclass (a class whose instances are themselves classes), and the class Class is such a metaclass, but where does a class named MetaClass
fit in?

I discussed with Larry at the hackathon about the role that Class played in the metamodel. We decided that is was but a thin veneer between the meta-land and the user-land. I assume this is still the case. Here is a 10,000 ft view of the metamodel prototype I sketched out the other day ( 10_000_ft_view.pod). It should shed a little light on this discussion.

As for how this differs from the other MOPs out there. I took the basic design of MetaClass, Class, Object from Smalltalk -80 actually, but modified the relationships a little to be more has-a the is-a. Let me expand/digress on this slightly ..

The basic Smalltalk-80 idea of every user-level Class having an associated meta-level Class is still retained. However in Smalltalk, Class is an instance of MetaClass, where in the metamodel Class has-a instance of MetaClass. And as I said, Class is really nothing special, it but a level of indirection between the instance and MetaClass instance.

I also borrowed many ideas from CLOS (in particular from book "The Art of the MetaObject Protocol"). CLOS is more like what you describe, where standard-class is the metaobject to define classes. I see this as mapping to the MetaClass, and our Class as being something akin to the find-class generic function in CLOS.

If all metaclasses are instances of MetaClass, then MetaClass must
be an instance of itself - is this then the only cycle in the graph?

Yes, that is the cycle.

1) MetaClass is a subclass of Object
2) MetaClass is an instance of MetaClass


So the following code should be true (given a random instance $obj).


What does $obj.meta return - is it just a shortcut for $obj.class.class, or
is something else going on here?

Well, I did not see $obj.class speced in A/S12 so I never did anything with that. However the p6opaque instance structure I use in the prototype metamodel has a pointer back to the class object (see the 10,000 ft view again). So it is simple to implement it if we want too.

But to answer your question, I was always under the impression that $obj.meta returned the MetaClass instance associated with the class that $obj is an instance of.

However, keep in mind, these are somewhat fuzzy areas in Syn/Apoc12, and all details about $obj.meta only deal with "Introspection".

<best pirate voice>
Arghhh, these be uncharted waters 'mah Boy!
</best private voice>

If the former, then all of these should be true.


yup, this will always be true.


Again, no .class that I know of, however if there is, then these too should be true.


I will agree with 1 and 3, but not with 2. I see Class and MetaClass are seperate things, at least how I coded it. However this, should be true (assuming we introduce a .class method):


However this is not a closed issue, so we can discuss it if you see a real need for things to be this way.

However, Syn/Apoc 12 shows that the following is true if $foo is an
instance of the Foo class.


Hm. That doesn't make sense to me at all. Clearly I need to reread the Syn/Apoc. I'd expect $foo.isa(Foo) and that's it, although if nothing fancy
with composition is going on $foo.class == Foo would also be true.

Yup, doesn't make sense to me either :)

- Stevan

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