On Tue, Aug 09, 2005 at 06:32:52PM -0400, Stevan Little wrote:
> Now I realize that in perl 6 you can re-open classes and add methods to 
> them. However this is not convenient for programmatic class generation. 

Because of string eval, you mean?  Well, some quasiquoting should
fix that, but let's suppose Template Perl6 doesn't exist...  :-)

> And I would really prefer the old Perl 5 way of mucking with the symbol 
> table not be the Perl 6 way of doing this. The ideal approach IMO is to 
> be able to do what the p5 MetaModel prototype does, and be able to add 
> methods to the metaclass instance directly (which then exposes them to 
> the class and instances of the class).
> So, how should this look in Perl 6? I currently have a two 
> thoughts/suggestions/directions.
> 1) Anonymous methods/submethods
> $obj.meta.add_method('foo' => method (Foo $self: $bar) { ... });    # 
> adding an instance method

I think it was ruled a while ago that anonymous methods should exist, so
this form is certainly more preferred. 


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