On Sat, Aug 13, 2005 at 04:07:28AM +0800, Autrijus Tang wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 13, 2005 at 01:08:38AM +0800, Autrijus Tang wrote:
> > As promised on #perl6, today I produced a drawing showing how the
> > Perl 6 metamodel would work in Pugs.  It aims to cover the common
> > elements between Perl5, JavaScript and Haskell editions:
> > 
> >     http://pugscode.org/images/metamodel.png
> > 
> Stevan made a GIF animation showing the bootstrapping sequence:
>     http://no.perlcabal.org/~stevan/metamodel.gif

Simon Cozens posted some questions on my journal entry; he mentioned
on IRC that we should probably bring it back to p6c.  Previous
discussion is here:


In other news, I made two more picture today, this time not related
to Pugs internals:

    # Perl 6 - Imaginary Timeline

    # Pugs - Lambda Camels


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