After a very fruitful discussion I've rewritten my suggested GC API.
Comments please.  Is this the path we should be going down?  What
needs more work?  What needs clarification?  Have I totally lost the


=head1 NAME

GC - The interface to the runtime Garbage collector.


class Philosopher is GC::timely {

  has Fork::Lock $.lfork;
  has Fork::Lock $.rfork;

  method dine {

  method DESTORY {

my $long_lived_configuration_verbal_that_dosnt_need_much_checking is GC:tardy;

my @pantheon of God is GC::immortal;

sub draw ($display,@frames) {
  no GC::delay;  # Slowing down to check garbige would upset our little
                 # animation.
  for @frames -> {$$_)}


The GC API supplies the following adjectives.


=item GC::timely

Requests timely destruction, that is the object is collected as soon
as it is no longer visable.  Uses for this taint are to ensure release
of expencive resources, and to support porting of Perl5 code that
expects timely destruction.

=item GC::tardy

Indercates to the GC the object is long lived and unlikely to leave
program visability.  GC's may use this infomation for optimization,
for example generational GC's could artificially age object's marked
as tardy.

=item GC::immortal

Prevents collection of this object even when it has passed out of

# Is this even a good idea?  It may be usefull for FFI.  Though its
# clearly a heavy wizardy type of thing.  If nobody thinks it may be
# usefull I think this dangerous beast can be removed even before it
# sees the light of day.

=item GC::keystone

Indercates to the GC the objects that this object has references to
are only referenced by this object.  Hence if this object is no longer
visible then all of the objects that this object refers to are also no
longer visable.

GC's may use this infomation for optimization.  The behavour of the GC
when encountering an object that is marked keystone but does not have
the keystone property is unspecified, and likely to be inconsistent.


The Adjectives can be used meaningfully in the following ways.

=over 4

=item As a scalar variable taint.

my $item is GC::timely;

Whatever is stored within the scalar verable requires timely

=item As a taint on a collection.

my @array is GC::timely;

Each member of the @array requires timely collection.

=item As a taint on a value.

"A string" is GC::timely;    # Or should this be C<but CG:timely> ?
{a => "hash"} is GC::timely; # corrections/confirmation please.

The string/hash requires timely collection.

=item As a taint on a class or a role

class Philosopher is GC::timely {...}

The Philosopher object requires timely collection.

=item As a taint on a sub declaration.

sub ($x) is GC::timely {...}

The closure created by this sub requires timely collection.

=item As a Pragma

use GC::timely;

Every memory consuming object declared in this lexical scope requires
timely collection


=head1 PRAGMAS


=item no GC::delay / use GC::delay

Requests that the GC avoid CPU intensive operations while the program
is within this lexical scope.  GC's that don't induce delays may
ignore this.  use GC::delay relaxes the request with in its lexical


=head1 SUBS 


=item sub GC::delay(+Int|u $depth=1 --> Int|undef) {...}

Requests that GC's with CPU interacting operations run at this time.
For example a this will trigger a mark and sweep style GC's mark and
sweep operation.  GC::delay will cause a delay even in blocks marked
no GC::delay.  The meaning of the $depth is for the most part
implementation specific, with the following limmitations.


=item $depth==0

Requests an optional GC run.  That is the CG may run if the GC thinks
its necessary ( This is equiverlent to {use GC::delay} ).

=item $depth==1

Requrests a normal GC run.

=item $depth>1

Requrests a more intensive GC run, with higher values
implying greater intensiveness.


GC::delay may return the number of bytes freed.

=item sub GC::type(--> Str) {...}

Returns a string interacting the type of GC being used.


=head1 METHODS


=item method GC::new(::Class $class: --> GC) {...}

Returns a GC object permitting implementation specific requests.



Please excuse my spelling as I suffer from agraphia. See to find out more.
Free the Memes.

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