On 2005-08-15 10:07, "Nicholas Clark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Spain adopted the Gregorian Calendar in 1582. Surely setting my locale to
> Spain should make the Julian/Gregorian jump show up in 1582, not 1752?

Arguably so, but I don't think there's anywhere in the POSIX localization
data structures to store that information.  There's a huge variety of
adoption dates, from Oct 5/15, 1582 (Most Catholic countries of Western
Europe) to March 10/23, 1924 (Greek civil usage).

Plus, even within its limited US/historical UK application, the cal(1)
program is still (admittedly so on its own man page) inaccurate for dates
prior to 1751, because it uses January 1 as the first day of the year.
While that was true in the original design of the calendar as instituted by
Caesar in 45 BC, and has been true in England and her colonies since 1751,
at some point way back when England had started counting the year change on
March 25.  That was a gradual change with no clear transition date, so
matching historical practice exactly is pretty much impossible for a large
chunk of Isle history.

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