On 8/16/05, Ingo Blechschmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
>     1_234;      # surely 1234
>     1e23;       # surely 1 * 10**23
>     1._5;       # call of method "_5" on 1?
>     1._foo;     # call of method "_foo" on 1?
>     1.e5;       # 1.0 * 10**5?
>     1.efoo;     # call of method "efoo" on 1?
>     1.e_foo;    # call of method "e_foo" on 1?
>     0xFF.dead;  # call of method "dead" on 0xFF?

I think we should go with the method call semantics in all of the
ambiguous forms, mostly because "no such method: Int::e5" is clearer
than silently succeeding and the error coming up somewhere else.


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