Robert wrote:
I am creating my first module (finally) and I was told a while ago to use
Module::Starter. Which I did. I am fine there. When I look at the code
generated I see that all the POD stuff is inline while I prefer to see POD
stuff at the end. Is the inline POD the current preferred way? If it is, I
am fine with that and will continue to chug along. If not, I will move it to
the end and I would make a request to the M::S author to have a command line
switch added to indicate which POD style to use (defaulting to whatever the
auther wishes of course).

About the most saliant point I can give on this is that it's easy to automate the "endification" of POD, but very very hard to automate the "inlinification" of it.

In my codegen stuff I do it this way. Default generation is inline, with a flag to automatically endify the POD (or remove it outright) if the client prefers.

PPI::Token::POD has a ->merge method, maybe you would like to look at writing a POD::Endify to encapsulate all this? :)

Adam K

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