On Tue, Aug 23, 2005 at 16:32:37 -0700, Larry Wall wrote:
> Hmm, well, I don't think >>&op<< is valid syntax, but you did say
> "semantics", so I can't criticize that part.  :-)

What is >><<, btw?

Is it

        &circumfix:{'>>','<<'} (Code &op --> Code); # takes some code, returns 
a listop

        &precircumfix:{'>>','<<'} (Code &op, [EMAIL PROTECTED] --> List);

> I don't know how close ~~ and eqv will end up.  There are some
> differences in emphasis, and when two operators get too much like each
> other, I tend to add more differences to make them inhabit different
> parts of the solution space.  One current difference is that, despite
> the symmetry of ~~, it's not actually a symmetrical operator much of
> the time, such as when matching values to rules.  ~~ is intended to
> be heavily dwimmical, so it's allowed to do various kinds of abstract
> coercions to figure out some mystical "good enough" quotient.  But eqv
> on the other hand should probably be false in asymmetrical situations.
> The implementation of ~~ may delegate to eqv in certain symmetrical
> situations, of course.

Right... Magic is defined in the "base" definitions of ~~:

        &infix:<~~> ($x, Rule $r) { ... }
        &infix:<~~> ($x, Code &test) { code($x) }

And so on and so forth, and then it is extended by the extender to
make cool aggregate operations, but even this doesn't have to be the
same for ~~ and eqv, it's just that eqv should have good builtins
for collections, is all.

> should say "true", since those are the same values, and they can't
> change.  However, in Perl-5-Think, [1,2,3] produces mutable arrays,
> so unless we come up with some kind of fancy COW for [1,2,3] to be
> considered immutable until someone, er, mutes it, I think eqv would
> have to return false, and consider two such objects to be different
> values (potentially different if not actually different).

Well, when I use it as

        if (@array eqv [1, 2, 3]) {


I think it's obvious that I'm checking "what is the value right
now", and ditto when I say

        my $str = "foo";
        $hash{$str} = 1;
        $str ~= "bar";
        $hash{$str}; # not the same

Arguably use of an array as a hash key is using a reference to a
container, and use of a scalar as a hash key is using the value
inside a container, so in a sense the hash key didn't change when I
appended the string, but this distinction is subtle and mostly an
implementation detail.

> It would be possible to declare %hash some way that forces a "snapshot"
> via some kind of serialization or other, but then it gets hard to keep
> the identity around.  Then the question arises how we doctor
>     if [1,2,3] eqv [1,2,3]     { say "true" } else { say "false" }

eqvs! it pronounces very well: 'eekyoovies'. Try it:

        if 1 2 3 eekyooviesses 1 2 3 say true, otherwise say false

It's fun, but I hate it even more than eqv ;-)

> to do the same snapshot comparison.  Arguably ~~ could do it, since it's
> explicitly *not* about identity.
>     if [1,2,3] ~~ [1,2,3]     { say "true" } else { say "false" }

But ~~ is not "is the same" it's "matches". This is also true, and
not what I want eqv for:

        if [1, 2, 3] ~~ [code { 1 }, rx/\d+/, Num] { say "true" } else { say 
"false" }

> Or we could have a more explicit way of doing whatever it is that the
> snapshot hash does to each argument.
>     if [1,2,3].snap eqv [1,2,3].snap     { say "true" } else { say "false" }

I think the opposite is better, make snapshotting by default, and
mutable value equality false by saying

        [1, 2, 3] eqv [1, 2, 3] :always # or :forever

 ()  Yuval Kogman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 0xEBD27418  perl hacker &
 /\  kung foo master: *shu*rik*en*sh*u*rik*en*s*hur*i*ke*n*: neeyah!!!!

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