I agree this following would be cool.
However in the general case this type of code inference is HARD to do.
I believe that the optimizations you are looking for would require a
combination of type inference and graph reduction.
PyPy may be the eventual answer.
Don't get me wrong, I think it is great and the long term goal.
As soon as we compile and run correctly, I'm all about optimizations.

Good Insight Michal,

Michal Wallace wrote:
> Hey Sam,
>I agree with what you're saying in this
>thread. This is slightly off topic, but
>I wanted to point something out.
>In general, python has so many places
>where things have to be dynamic that you 
>really can't know this kind of thing at 
>compile time, especially if you allow for 
>eval/exec, or if you allow the code to be 
>used as a module. 
>However if you treat the code as a closed 
>system, *and* you have access to python at 
>compile time, then we can optimize away a 
>lot of these questions.
>For example, in your original code:
>  def f(x,y):
>    return y
>  class Foo:
>    f = f
>    def g(self,y):
>      return y
>  foo = Foo()
>  g=foo.g
>  print f(0,1)
>  print foo.f(2)
>  print g(3)
>Once you know how python works, it's *obvious* 
>that this prints 1,2,3. I see no reason why the 
>compiler couldn't figure this out up front just 
>by walking the tree.
>In fact, a good optimizing compiler would see the
>"return y" lines and just get rid of those methods
>I'd like to allow for the ability to do certain 
>optimizations like this up front, sacrificing 
>flexibility for speed. I know there are many
>programs that won't allow for this, but for the
>ones that do, I'd like to be able to do a sort
>of static compile like this. 
>In other words, sometimes a python-like language
>is a desirable thing. (But of course this should
>all be optional so that we can also be 100%
>python compatible)
>Michal J Wallace
>Sabren Enterprises, Inc.
>hosting: http://www.cornerhost.com/
>my site: http://www.withoutane.com/
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