On Sat, Sep 03, 2005 at 11:45:33 +0300, Yuval Kogman wrote a lot.

I'd like to summarize:

        * if operators are not special than they are defined in perl 6

        * if operators are defined in terms of other operators, then
        overriding an operator may interfere with the definition of
        another operator.

        * if all operators are defined in terms of each other, perl 6 is
        circular. At some point the loop must be broken, and
        functionality has to be delegated to the runtime.

        * one way to do this is to infer where operators are not

        * each "builtin" code may have an alternative version in the
        native runtime's language

        * if a bit of code is kown, by inferrence, to be completely
        unaltered, the native could is used instead.

        * essentially the role of inferrencing here is to determine
        where, and to what extent may the circularity be broken.

        * functions which must have a runtime counterpart (like IO) are
        defined as stubs. They can be overridden for emulation purposes,
        or die as "not yet implemented" when the runtime can't provide a
        native version.

This is possibly slow to compile, and possibly dangerous to allow.

I think that the best solution is to allow overriding builtins only
in the current lexical scope, unless this circularity is explicitly
asked for.

 ()  Yuval Kogman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 0xEBD27418  perl hacker &
 /\  kung foo master: /me whallops greyface with a fnord: neeyah!!!!!!!

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