During OSCON, over beers with Chip, I made the observation that there is
probably a large group of people that would like to contribute a few
hours per work to Parrot development but that there are no TODO tasks
that can be done reasonable accomplished at that level of commitment.
Chip stated that my he feels my position is incorrect and that there are
probably a lot of people that could contribute but are merely unaware of
this fact.  So I've spent some time digging through the TODO items and,
by my estimates, none of the items as defined could be reasonably
completed in a few hours (excluding Leo).  So what exactly am I
proposing?  I'd like to add the TODO list to the TODO list. ;)
Specifically, all of the TODO items should be decomposed into well
defined tasks that could be completed in N hours or less.  Where 4 is
probably a good value for N.



On Wed, Aug 31, 2005 at 04:04:45PM -0700, chromatic wrote:
> Hi all,
> In a recent discussion with Chip and Leo, the idea came up to ask for a
> list of very specific TODO items -- specifically things that should work
> but don't.  
> We'll gather a list and figure out what's up, whether someone fixed it
> since then, whether the docs are misleading, or whether it's still in a
> state of brokenness.  Here's your chance to say "Hm, I tried this and
> thought it should work but it blew up and I don't know what to do."
> I know Autrijus at YAPC::NA mentioned that the lexical implementation
> didn't really work.
> I think that nested ManagedStruct and UnManagedStruct PMCs share state
> between them, so you can't have two independent data structures -- but
> I'm not completely sure.
> Anything else?
> -- c

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