Let's play devil's advocate. On the positive side, if you bundle the testing module, you can be more certain that your tests will work if the new version of the bundled module breaks backward compatibility, whether by design or by accident... If I *know* that my module tests properly with Test::Foo 0.37, why should I risk my users getting false test errors because of a problem in Test::Foo 0.42? Of course, taking this to the extreme would lead you to bundle the whole operating system and hardware with your module, which might be too much. ;-) But I'd say that bundling a few things can be good.


Yuval Kogman wrote:
On Mon, Sep 12, 2005 at 04:22:05 +0300, Yuval Kogman wrote:

It still promotes:

I forgot:

        * unnecessary rolling and rerolling of distribution tarballs
          with no real merit but updating the bundled code causes
          version space pollution, and makes users who update annoyed
          (they should be updating the test module instead).

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