On Mon, 19 Sep 2005, Will Coleda wrote:

> Good! [inline] isn't real Tcl, it's specific to partcl.
> That test consists of the code:
>  inline PASM {
>    print "ok\n"
>   }
> which should do the obvious thing. Odd that it's squawking about MMD_add.

It's very strange.  It copied that snippet above to examples/foo.tcl.  
Whether or not it works seems to depend on whether or not there's a slash 
in the filename. Here's what I see:

$ cat foo.tcl
inline PASM {
    print "ok\n"
$ ../../../parrot ../tcl.pbc foo.tcl
$ ../../../parrot ../tcl.pbc ./foo.tcl
MMD function __add not foundfor types (1, -100)
$ ../../../parrot -tf ../tcl.pbc foo.tcl > nodot.trace 2>&1
$ ../../../parrot -tf ../tcl.pbc ./foo.tcl > dot.trace 2>&1

(The traces are huge -- 64k each after compression -- so I've just sent 
them by private mail, and not to the whole list.)

    Andy Dougherty              [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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