AFAIK there is only one module of consequence which does screen scraping on Test::More and that's Test::Builder::Tester (Test::Warn, it turns out, fails because of Test::Builder::Tester). Fix that, upload a new version and the problem goes away.

Which is not true at all. Test::More gets upgraded in various places somewhat regularly. TB::Tester is practically never going to get upgraded anywhere unless it is forced. Which means all the modules that use IT need to force the upgrade, or we get niggly errors all over the place for months.

If we can back the change out for 6 months or so, there's time to get all the potential scrapers audited for problems

As far as I'm concerned scrapers already have a problem:  They're scraping,
they're relying on it and they didn't think to check against the alphas.
I'm not particularly inclined to back out three months of Test::More fixes and hold up new releases until next spring to accomodate them.

I'm suggesting you back out 1 wishlist item. And if you can't do that, back out 3 months of changes until you can back out the 1 item.

At the present time you cannot install anything of consequence onto a fresh Perl install.

Of course you can, it comes with Test::More!  5.8.7 comes with 0.54 which
is just two releases ago.  You'd be hard pressed to find anything which relies
on anything newer. Test::Builder::Tester wants Test::Builder 0.12 which is rather old.

It doesn't take a dependency higher than 0.54, it takes a dependency of anything on anything else higher than what is currently installed on any system all the way back to 5.005. Every possible situation which could trigger an upgrade of Test::More to current causes things to break.

Which is a lot of coverage.

The fact that you're the first person to report this problem, two weeks after Test::More was released, that its not nearly as widespread as you think.

I didn't find it, I had it reported to me by someone else as a problem in Test::SubCalls, and just happened to be the first person that didn't give up and traced it back to the source.

And it's not going to start as a flood, it's going to start as a trickle, and take time to accelerate.

I'm done talking about this until I see some attempt at fixing Test::Builder::Tester. It could have been done by now.

Then why haven't you fixed it in that case? Regardless of who's fault it was 3 or 4 years ago, _you_ triggered the problem _now_. Untrigger it.

Now it's 4:30am and I've had enough to trying to get this sorted, I'm going home.

Adam K

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