PS: As an example of something I'd like to see 'cleaned up' in TAP -- I have a lifelong aversion to 'syntactic comments', i.e., comments that actually have a meaning to something parsing them. Accordingly, I'd love to see "not ok 2 # TODO bend space and time" become "todo 2 # bend space and time" in some future version of the format. But there's no way that can happen without a sensible mechanism for extending the protocol, and advertising the extensions.

This is similar to something that the developers I'm working with would like;; I've put together a very very simple Web-page scanner for them, which they like; it generates Perl code from simple test specs. They would even more like it if they could have a "syntax error 7" for lines that they miscoded, rather than having to read through the TAP output, looking for comments that say "YOU SCREWED UP" (okay, not literally, but you get the idea). I've right now coded this to emit SKIP tests, but they are starting to want to code their own skip tests, and would like to be able to tell the difference easily.

 --- Joe M.

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