On Mon, Oct 10, 2005 at 11:39:25PM +0100, The Perl 6 Summarizer wrote:
> The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 2005-10-09
>     Hello, and welcome to the first Perl 6 Summary to be published on my
>     website rather than its former home at <http://www.perl.com/>
> This week in perl6-compiler
>   PGE error on failing subrules
>     Allison broke the resounding silence of the last two weeks by posting
>     about some PGE errors she was seeing. No reply yet.

Discussion ensued off-list about the errors and as of Monday
morning the errors have been fixed.

>   Tests converted from pugs' rules.t to Parrot::Test::PGE
>     Yuval Kogman announced that he'd written a script to convert pugs's
>     rules tests into Parrot tests. The resulting test suite still needs some
>     attention, and he outlined what was needed. No response so far on the
>     list.

I'm really hoping someone else can pick this one up; if not then 
I'll put it on my own internal TODO list for next week.


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