On 10/19/05, Nate Wiger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My concern is that we're solving problems that don't really exist in
> real-world Perl usage. Are there really two competing authors of DBI?
> Or, for any product, do two people really try to market "SuperWidget"?
> No, one person just changes to "SuperGadget". And with URI's, one person
> gets "amazon.com". Sorry, name taken.
> I think we're actually *encouraging* problems by allowing long, clashing
> names. Pretty soon all DBI modules will have to start with
>     use DBI:TIMB;
> Because "JEFFSTER" decided to upload his DBI (Derivative Binary Index)
> module.
> I think it will have the opposite effect of what we're trying to avoid.

I'm of two minds about this, in large part because I have two
experiences with the current CPAN.

My first CPAN module was taking over PDF::Template, originally written
by DFERRANCE. Now, it's maintained by RKINYON, soon to be maintained
by RKINYON and STEVAN due to amazing contributions by AUTRIJUS (or
whatever those characters are supposed to be).

Now, how are authorship-changes going to be handled, particularly in
the face of having two PDF::Templates out there already? Everyone is
disambiguating their modules with PDF::Template-DFERRANCE vs.
PDF::Template-JRANDOM. Now, they cannot upgrade to my latest feature
because that requires changing every place they had hard-coded
DFERRANCE. Or, will the package system map PDF::Template-DFERRANCE to

The second experience is one I'm going through right now. I was adding
a feature to Tree:Simple a few weeks back and realized that it needed
to be gutted to do what I needed it to do. With the encouragement of
the author, I rewrote it completely. My development name for the
distro is "Forest", but I have Tree and Tree::Binary as the packages.
(Yeah, it's a math joke.)

Except, there's two problems with that - Tree is a TLN (top-level
namespace) with a lot of unrelated distros beneath it. And, Tree is
owned by someone else, but that person hasn't updated Tree in 6 years.
And, Tree::Binary is owned by the same guy who owns Tree::Simple.

How is that going to work in P6? (For the record, I still haven't
figured out what I'm going to do yet. Check Perlmonks for the SOPW in
a few minutes.)


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