"Jonathan Worthington" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
What's left? Making this work for when you .include files in PIR. Which means monkeying with the lexer and IMCC. <shudder>

I've done it and it's available to play with. I'll admit now that, despite having covered quite a bit of the IMCC codebase while working out the best way to do this, I'm still no expert on how it works so this may not be perfect. Anyway, an example of the kinda thing that now works:-

$ cat crash1.pir
# Example
.sub main :main

.include "crash2.pir"

.sub _test2
$ cat crash2.pir
.sub _test
$ parrot crash1.pir
Name '_does_not_exist' not found
current instr.: '_test2' pc 24 (crash1.pir:9)
called from Sub '_test' pc 17 (crash2.pir:2)
called from Sub 'main' pc 7 (crash1.pir:3)

Note how the correct files are named in the backtrace now; before it would always say crash1.pir no matter what file it was in.

Also fixed some warnings, plus a bug that pre-dated my debug seg work that meant sometimes a file didn't get a debug segment added to it..

Happy debugging,


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