On 10/20/05, Juerd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Larry Wall skribis 2005-10-20 7:56 (-0700):
> > the new sigil is the cent sign, so ::T is now written ¢T instead.
> 1. What does it look like? I've never used a cent sign, and have seen
> several.

It looks like a lowercase c with a vertical line through it -- though the
vertical line is often slanted forward, so it looks like a c overtyped with
a slash ("/").

2. How can it be typed with X character composition, vim's digraphs and
> major international keyboards?

For vim, use CTRL-K C t

I can't address the other contexts.

"A painting in a museum hears more ridiculous opinions than anything else in
the world."
Edmond de Goncourt

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