Hi all,

I've recently decided to try to hook up the wxWidgets GUI library with
parrot and Pugs. I haven't dabbled much with parrot yet so I consider
this a good way to learn more :-).

Right at the start, I ran into a curious problem loading the Wx
libraries with loadlib. (I'm on Mac OS X 10.4, by the way).

After trying different versions, I finally compiled Wx into one big
dynamic library called libwx_macu- However, I could
only link to it when I renamed/symlinked it to libwx.dylib or
libwx_macu.dylib. Otherwise, I get error messages like "Couldn't load
'libwx_macu-2.6': unknown reason" (and doing a "typeof" on the PMC var
reveals that it is indeed undef). It seems loadlib fails as soon as
the library name contains a number. Is this normal/desired behaviour?

Sorry if this is a stupid question, but I'm not very experienced with
linking on Unix systems. In fact, my questions are gonna get worse
right now :-):

How do I find the right symbol name for a function? For example, the
void wxBell(void) function can be found in the library as __Z6wxBellv
(found using otool -vT /usr/lib/libwx.dylib), but I guess on Windows
it bould be something like _wxBellA. And of course it gets harder in
the case of overloaded methods/constructors/destructors with different
parameter signatures. So how would I go about finding the symbol I
need (short of compiling a small C++ program and find out which
symbols it imports...)?


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"You don't have a soul. You are a Soul. You have a body."  -- C.S. Lewis

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