Here is my part.

On Oct 24, 2005, at 07:20 , Juerd wrote:
I've created pugs/docs/quickref/fears, a list of Perl 6 fears.

Feel free to add your own, or fears you heard about!
: FEAR: Perl 6 has too many operators!

FEAR: Perl 6 has so many operators that it runs out of Unicode character repertoire :)

# Time to learn (Hanzi|Kanji) for that?

: FEAR: I will never be able to type Unicode ops!

FEAR: I will need to hack an input method just to type those ops!

: FEAR: Unicode ops cannot be read by me!

FEAR: Unicode ops cannot be read by the compiler!

: FEAR: Perl 6 will be too much like Haskell!

Perl 6 will be too much like Ruby!

# IMHO it already is and I love it!

: FEAR: Perl 6 is made for big programs, not for oneliners and short
: scripts!

FEAR: Unicode ops of Perl 6 ought to make short scripts easier but how the heck can I type in those on shell?

Dan the Perl 6 User -- Whatever that Means

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