I'm mentally going over the ways to do it.

class Foo;
# the perl5 way

use base <<Base>>;
sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    my $self = $class.SUPER::new(@_);   # syntax?
    return $self;

sub do_it {
    my($self, $arg) = @_;
    say "doing $arg!";

class Foo is Base {
    # the perl6 way
    method do_it(String $arg) {
        say "doing $arg!";

# add behavior through multi-dispatch
multi sub do_it(Base $x, String $arg) {
    say "doing $arg!";

# behavior via mixin
my Base $x does role {
    method do_it($arg) {
        say "doing $arg!";

# behavior through prototype -- guessing realistic syntax
    do_it => method ($arg) {
        say "doing $arg!";

# or, just add it to a single instance
    do_it => method ($arg) {
        say "doing $arg!";

Did I miss any good ones? Or bad ones? :)

Ashley Winters

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