On Tue, Oct 25, 2005 at 06:31:43AM +0200, Fran?ois PERRAD wrote:
> The subroutine check_progs defined in lib/Parrot/Configure/Step.pm is not 
> portable (doesn't work on MSWin32).
> On MSWin32, the real filename of a program is prog.exe, prog.com, prog.bat 
> or prog.cmd , so if -x 'prog' is not enough.

Sorry about that.  Did the old probe mechanism work on win32?

> I suggest the use of the module File::Which (see the attached patch).
> But I don't know if everybody is agree to depend of this module.

File::Which is a rather small amount of code in a single file so I'd be
inclined to include it in the Parrot tree rather then reinventing the
wheel.  I've always been puzzled as to why there isn't a core perl5
module with this functionality.

What do others think about this proposal?



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